Your website is more than just an online presence—it’s the hub of your business. With evolving trends and heightened consumer expectations, it’s critical that your website is up to date with the essential features that will keep it competitive in 2024. This guide will walk you through the must-have elements for a successful website and how Ask the Egghead can ensure your business has them all.

1. Mobile Responsiveness

Mobile traffic has officially surpassed desktop traffic, and that trend is here to stay. A mobile-responsive website automatically adjusts its layout and content to fit different screen sizes, providing a seamless user experience across all devices.

A mobile-friendly site can significantly improve user engagement, reduce bounce rates, and positively affect SEO. At Ask the Egghead, we prioritize mobile optimization when designing and developing websites to ensure every page looks great on smartphones, tablets, and desktops alike.

2. Fast Loading Speed

Nobody likes waiting for a slow website to load. In fact, if your site takes longer than three seconds to load, 53% of mobile users will leave. Fast loading times improve user experience and play a significant role in SEO, as search engines rank faster sites higher.

Our hosting solutions at Ask the Egghead are designed to deliver lightning-fast load times. With caching techniques, image optimization, and content delivery networks (CDNs), we ensure your website runs smoothly for every visitor, no matter where they are in the world.

3. Secure HTTPS & SSL Certification

Online security is a non-negotiable requirement for modern websites. HTTPS, which is enabled by an SSL certificate, encrypts the data shared between users and your website. This encryption builds trust, protects sensitive information, and improves your search engine rankings.

Ask the Egghead includes SSL certificates in all of our hosting packages, ensuring that every website we manage has the security it needs to protect user data and meet Google’s ranking requirements.

4. Intuitive Navigation

Your website’s navigation should guide users through your site effortlessly. Complex menus or cluttered layouts frustrate users, leading to higher bounce rates and lost business. Instead, your navigation should be clear, simple, and accessible, allowing visitors to find the information they need in seconds.

We design intuitive, user-friendly navigation systems that encourage visitors to explore your site and engage with your content, maximizing your website’s effectiveness.

5. Compelling Calls to Action (CTAs)

A website without CTAs is like a storefront with no door. CTAs direct users to take the next step, whether it’s filling out a contact form, downloading a guide, or making a purchase. Well-designed CTAs help convert visitors into leads or customers.

Ask the Egghead helps businesses craft powerful, clear, and engaging CTAs that drive action and improve conversion rates, ensuring your website isn’t just attractive but effective.

6. SEO-Friendly Structure

A beautiful, fast website is only useful if people can find it. Search engine optimization (SEO) ensures that your site appears in search results for relevant queries. This involves using appropriate keywords, optimizing meta descriptions, ensuring clean code, and creating high-quality content.

At Ask the Egghead, we build every site with SEO in mind, incorporating best practices that improve visibility and help you rank higher in search engine results.

7. User-Centered Design

User-centered design (UCD) focuses on creating a website that prioritizes the user’s needs. This includes everything from the visual appeal to the overall functionality. A user-friendly design reduces friction, helping visitors interact more easily with your brand and leading to higher conversions.

Our custom web design services at Ask the Egghead are all about putting the user first. We work with you to create a visually appealing site that reflects your brand identity while offering an intuitive and enjoyable user experience.

8. Content Management System (CMS)

A powerful CMS like WordPress allows you to easily update content, add new pages, and manage your site without needing to know how to code. It’s essential for businesses that want the flexibility to manage their content in-house.

Ask the Egghead specializes in building websites on WordPress, the world’s most popular CMS, giving you full control over your site’s content while we handle the technical side of things.


Building a successful website in 2024 requires more than just a pretty design. You need a site that’s fast, secure, mobile-responsive, and user-friendly, with strong SEO and clear calls to action. With Ask the Egghead’s expertise in web design and managed hosting, your business will have all the tools it needs to succeed online.