Eggheads will help you develop ideas and projects, transform your organization, and grow your business!
What Is Microsoft IIS Web Server Software?
Web servers help power the internet, and there are many different options for hosting your website(s) or application(s). One solution you might consider using is Microsoft IIS (Internet Information Services). However, to determine whether it’s the right choice, it’s...
5 Best WordPress Activity Log & Tracking Plugins
It can be challenging to manually stay on top of WordPress security when you run a large website. However, your WordPress log files can provide valuable information on changes made to your site. Therefore, it’s in your best interests to track your WordPress activity...
How to Use SMTP to Send Email with WordPress
WordPress has a built-in feature for sending emails from your email provider, but unfortunately, that email functionality doesn’t always work as expected. When you rely on WordPress, it’s possible that a portion of your emails will never get where they’re going. To...
What is Site Caching? (& How Does It Work?)
Site caching can improve your website’s performance and provide a better User Experience (UX) for your visitors. However, you might be wondering exactly how this process works and how important it is for your WordPress site. Caching can seem intimidating if you don’t...
Everything You Need to Know About Google Analytics 4
If you’ve been using Google Analytics for a while now, you might have heard the platform is transforming. In 2023, Universal Analytics will no longer process data, and users will need to switch to a Google Analytics 4 property. Fortunately, we’ve put together a guide...
WordPress vs. Duda (2023) — Which One Should You Choose?
WordPress began as a popular blogging platform and has since grown into a full-scale, open-source content management system (CMS). It’s among the top web platforms available online today and the primary choice of millions of website owners. The Duda website builder is...
Comparing the Gradient Types in Divi’s Gradient Builder
Gradient types are part of the new Divi Gradient Builder. The new Divi gradient types give you the ability to add different shapes and colors to your backgrounds. In this post, we’ll compare these gradient types and show you how to use them to create unique...
What Is the WordPress Object Cache?
Speed is crucial to your site’s success. Slow loading times can drive visitors away, resulting in a high bounce rate and fewer conversions. Fortunately, an effective way to boost your site’s performance is to use the WordPress object cache. In this post, we’ll take a...
How to Create a Unique CTA with Divi’s Background Pattern & Mask Options
Divi’s new background pattern and mask options make it easy to create eye-catching and unique call-to-action (CTA) sections on your website. You can combine images, gradients, patterns, and masks with lots of customization options to create one-of-a-kind background...
What Is Caddy Web Server?
With so many web servers available, determining the best one for your needs can be difficult. One of the newer options is the Caddy web server, popular for its ease of use, flexibility, and performance. However, is it ideal for running your WordPress site? In this...
WordPress vs ExpressionEngine
WordPress and ExpressionEngine are both Content Management Systems (CMS). That means they’re software designed to help you publish and display blog posts, products, events, and almost any other type of online content you can imagine. However, every CMS approaches...
How to Use Divi’s Background Mask & Pattern Transform Settings
Background patterns are a great way to give your website some visual flair and stand out from the crowd. Divi’s new background mask and pattern transform settings can be combined in many ways to create those background patterns. In this post, we’ll see how to use...
Convesio Managed WordPress Hosting Review
Managed WordPress hosting with Convesio is for sites that need to scale flawlessly. Companies like Flywheel, Pressable, and WP Engine offer optimized server environments for WordPress, too. Those include user-friendly dashboards and full-featured security suites....
Avoiding CMS Disaster: How to Improve Website Performance
Having a site that performs like a digital superhero is a business imperative, especially when you’re making a first impression with a potential customer researching your organization. The following website performance statistics should strike fear in the heart of...
How Open Source Software Benefits Businesses
How Open Source Software Benefits Businesses In today’s technology-driven, fast-moving business environment, more companies are choosing to invest in open source software. Open source offers many advantages to businesses: a quicker pace of innovations, strong support...
The WordPress 6.0 Release Features Enterprise Marketers Can’t Wait to Try
The WordPress 6.0 Release Features Enterprise Marketers Can’t Wait to Try Is WordPress’s Gutenberg Block Editor the universal key to content agility, more effective content workflow, and the Fifth Law of Thermodynamics all rolled into one? Maybe, if you ask WordPress...
How to Use Lordicon with WordPress and Divi
Trends in web design change drastically year to year. Something that seems to have taken hold and stayed, however, is the use of animation. The more people use mobile devices and apps, the more they expect the sites they visit to use some of the same principles. Using...
How to Use The Divi Gradient Builder to Blend Multiple Gradient Colors Effortlessly
Divi’s new Gradient Builder is a powerful tool that creates any type of gradient background you want. It’s easy to use and you can add multiple colors to create gradients that are interesting and unique. However, adding more colors can take more thought in the design...
How To Add Background Masks and Patterns to your Divi Header
Divi’s new background masks and patterns feature is more commonly used for sections on a page. But, we can also add them to headers as well! In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to add background masks and patterns to a Divi header template using the theme builder....
WordPress vs GitHub Pages: Which is Better for You?
WordPress and GitHub Pages offer two very different experiences when creating websites. With WordPress, you get a full-fledged Content Management System (CMS). GitHub Pages, on the other hand, is a hosting service for static content. In this article, we’re going to...
How to Secure Your Website Against Tabnapping and Browser Hijacking
How many times have you opened a tab, only to navigate away from it for a few minutes, hours, or even overnight? When you return to that tab, having to log in again isn’t unexpected. After all, who keeps track of each page’s refresh schedule and log-out timer? Not us!...
How to Use Divi’s Gradient Repeat Option to Create Custom Background Patterns
Divi’s background options provide lots of ways to create background patterns. You can even create background patterns using only gradients. The Gradient Repeat option makes this simple and easy. In this post, we’ll see how to use Divi’s Gradient Repeat option to...
How to Manage Your Domain Using SiteGround’s Site Tools
Having a website without a domain name is like having a house without an address. Only once you have a domain will visitors know where to go to find your website. With SiteGround domain services, you can register and manage a URL so your site has somewhere to exist....
What Is CentOS Stream Server Software?
If you’re looking for the right platform for your web development projects, you might have come across CentOS Stream. This server software enables you to develop new applications. However, you may be wondering if it’s the right fit for your needs. Fortunately, we’ve...
How to Choose the Best Domain Names for Your Business
Finding the best domain names is rarely easy. Your business might have the perfect name, but that domain might not be available unless you use a lesser-known Top-Level Domain (TLD). If you’re coming up with a company name from scratch, it also needs to be available...
How to Use The Divi Gradient Builder to Design Unique Circular Background Shapes
Divi’s Gradient Builder can create lots of interesting backgrounds. The colors work together to create shapes and patterns that are usually difficult to create. Divi’s Gradient Builder includes settings that make creating circular patterns, such as a circular...
How to Add a Custom Size to Your Background Pattern with Divi
Divi’s new background patterns add a lot of visual design options to any Divi layout. These repeating background patterns look great, but they can be used for more than just a repeating pattern. We can also use them as a single background graphic to draw attention to...
Cloudways vs SiteGround: Which Host is Right For You?
For many WordPress website owners, a managed hosting service is a must. Managed hosting services tend to cut down setup time and maintenance, guarantee against downtime, have simple use dashboards, and provide on-demand customer support. Depending on your website...
How to Install WordPress on AWS Web Hosting
Cloud hosting is becoming increasingly popular. With this service, your site is hosted on multiple virtual servers, which can help improve performance and maximize uptime. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the leading cloud computing providers, so you might be...
AWS Web Hosting: A Review for WordPress Users
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the foundations of the modern web. AWS hosting is the biggest player in the cloud hosting arena, with over 33 percent of the market. Its closest competitor is Google Cloud, which boasts a...
How to Create Subtle Background Pattern Masks with Divi (3 Examples)
Divi’s new background pattern masks have opened up a lot of design options for backgrounds. They work great with the background colors and patterns to create lots of unique designs. In this post, we’ll see how to create subtle background pattern masks with Divi. We’ll...
How to Increase Site Speed Using SiteGround’s Free CDN
You put months into building your website. You spend even more time learning about SEO and how to create valuable, meaningful content for your users. Then you find out that, while people find your site all the time, they don’t stay. Sometimes they leave within...
6 Awesome Tutorials for Divi’s Testimonial Module
There are several ways you can use Divi’s Testimonial Module inside your page layouts. Here on the Elegant Themes blog, you’ll find several testimonial module tutorials that help you get to know the module better. Now, to help you get the best out of these tutorials,...
What is LiteSpeed Web Server Software?
If you’ve come across the LiteSpeed web server, you might be wondering how this software can impact the performance of your WordPress site. You may also want to know how it compares to other servers. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered in our beginner-friendly guide....
How to Install SSL on WordPress Using SiteGround Site Tools
Installing an SSL certificate is one of the top security tips you’ll hear over and over if you have a WordPress website. SSL certificates allow for a safe browsing environment, and you can usually tell if a site has it enabled if you spot a padlock in the address bar,...
How to Upload Marketplace Layouts to Your Divi Cloud
With Divi Cloud it is easier now than ever before to save, store, and access all of your favorite Divi Builder elements right within the Divi builder. No more manually exporting and importing your Divi Library items, they’re now accessible via the Cloud! This can save...
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An Egghead will help you develop ideas and projects, transform your organization, and grow your business. Contact us today to get started.