Eggheads will help you develop ideas and projects, transform your organization, and grow your business!
How to Use the WordPress Quote Block
The WordPress Quote Block presents an easy way to display a quote from an external source. It displays the text with a quotation mark and includes a caption to add a citation. It’s a simple block but using it within your content can draw the reader’s attention and add...
How to Use the WordPress Archives Block
Navigating a blog can get tricky as its content library grows. Some visitors may want to dig deep into your posts archive, but they may feel discouraged by a poorly organized website. That’s why the Archives block enables visitors to easily navigate your catalog...
Divi Creator Showcase: Divi Lover
Hey Divi Nation! Thank you for joining us for another episode of Divi Creator Showcase, where we interview a Divi Creator from our Marketplace–learning all about their story, products, and ongoing journey as part of the Divi Community. In this episode, we are joined...
How to Use the WordPress Shortcode Block
Using shortcodes is an intrinsic part of the WordPress experience. A lot of plugins don’t add custom blocks to the Block Editor. Instead, they enable you to use shortcodes to place elements on your posts and pages (and customize them). To do so, you’ll need to use the...
How to Change an Image on Hover with Divi
Hover effects are some of the simplest microinteractions a user can have with a site. The Divi theme has a fantastically easy set of hover effects that you can use to create an engaging UX for each and every person who visits your site. One of the more striking and...
How to Use the WordPress Calendar Block
Keeping your content organized is an important aspect of running a website. Fortunately, the WordPress Calendar block can help you do that. This element enables you to display a calendar on your site that links to your posts based on their publication dates. As such,...
How to Use the WordPress Audio Block
The WordPress Audio Block lets you provide playable audio files within your pages and posts. The audio files can be added from your media library or a URL. Users can play the audio from their browsers or download them to listen offline. This is a great way to provide...
How to Give Your Divi Archive Pages a Masonry Layout
To give your archive pages a custom masonry layout, we can use the Divi theme builder to design a custom dynamic archive page template. In Divi, before the days of the Divi Theme Builder, developers had to rely on manually customizing the PHP code on an archive page...
How to Use the WordPress Cover Block
The WordPress Cover Block is interesting. It lets you place an image, video, or solid color in the background and add content blocks to the foreground. This means you can place blocks over other blocks. It has more options than most blocks. Knowing how to use the...
Customizing Divi’s Secondary Menu Bar with a Call to Action
Divi’s secondary menu can be a lot more than a place where you list social networks and host a search bar. It is a fantastic place to engage your audience and call them to action in some way. Many of our free header/footer packs make great use of the secondary menu....
How to Use the WordPress Group Block
Adding individual elements to your post or page using the Block Editor is simple. However, if you plan to use similar blocks throughout your website, it makes sense to put them together and save them as templates. Doing this becomes simple once you master the...
How to Use the WordPress Media and Text Block
WordPress enables you to add Paragraph and Image blocks separately. However, you can also place both types of elements side by side, thanks to the Media and Text block. It even includes several layouts that you can choose from, if you know how to navigate its...
How to Add Animations to Sections/Rows
Once upon a time on the internet, adding animation to your site was a cumbersome, somewhat specialized task. Divi, however, possesses powerful animation tools and scroll effects that you can implement without needing a lot of technical expertise. Anyone can add these...
How to Use the WordPress More Block
It’s important to keep the content on your website’s pages succinct and organized, especially on your home page. Fortunately, the WordPress More block lets you give visitors a preview of your post, along with a link to the full text. Knowing how to use it properly can...
How to Add a Floating About Card to Your Divi Site
On almost every website you visit, elements pop up and stick to the page. Cookie warnings and opt-ins, email signups, and chat boxes. We all tend to ignore them at some point, becoming blind to whatever the website is trying to tell us. We just click the X without...
How to Use the WordPress File Block
The WordPress File Block makes it easy to add a download link for your files within your pages and posts. This is one of the most unique WordPress blocks because it adds different options based on the type of file that’s selected. Knowing how to use this block well...
How to Use the WordPress Video Block
The WordPress Video Block makes it easy to upload and add videos to your pages and posts. It gives you plenty of options to control the size and features. Adding video with this block makes the content look more professional and desirable. Fortunately, the Video Block...
How to Use the WordPress Separator Block
The way you arrange and display content on your website can significantly influence your engagement and conversions rates. To enhance the User Experience (UX) and make your pages and posts easier to consume, it’s a smart idea to break up large chunks of text. There...
How to Grow Your Business With Social Media Contests
Are you interested in building brand awareness and growing your social media presence? Running social media contests is one way to boost your online platform. Giving away products, services, or swag can help to draw more eyes to your brand on social media, in addition...
How to Use the WordPress Vimeo Embed Block
The ability to embed video into your blog posts on WordPress opens a variety of possibilities for how you present your content. In the WordPress Block Editor, users have the option to add a quick and easy Vimeo embed to their blog posts. This is a fantastic option for...
How to Apply Color Palettes to Your Divi Website
There are few things worse on the internet than a bland website. Sure, some websites go for the brutalist or minimalist look on purpose (looking at you Craigslist), but even those aren’t bland. Having a solid color palette is a surefire way to make your website stand...
How to Use the SoundCloud Embed Block
With the SoundCloud embed block for WordPress, you can add an album, playlist or track to your post or page. Embedding SoundCloud content in Gutenberg gives you a lot of options for how the block looks and functions. Otherwise, if you simply copy and paste the...
How to Use the WordPress Flickr Embed Block
The WordPress Flickr embed block lets you add photos and videos that you’ve saved to Flickr to your WordPress posts and pages. When a visitor clicks the photo or video, they’ll be directed to Flickr, where they can view and/or play your media. Videos can’t actually...
How to Add a Search Field to Divi’s Secondary Menu
Without a search field, your site’s navigation is going to suffer. You can have the most robust browsing experience on the internet, but if your users can’t search to find exactly what they’re looking for, you just might (and probably will) lose out on business. This...
How to Use the WordPress Code Block
Displaying code in WordPress pages and posts can be tricky. Just posting the code within the content can have interesting results, especially if WordPress displays it incorrectly or your security locks you out for malicious activity. Fortunately, the WordPress Code...
How to Use the WordPress Custom HTML Block
The Custom HTML Block lets you add HTML content and edit it without having to view the page or post as HTML. You can embed HTML and even use it to mark up your text and then convert it to a Paragraph Block with styled text if you want. This block is great for those...
How to Add Social Icons to Divi’s Primary Menu
It is virtually impossible to run a successful website without having a dedicated social media presence. Whether you choose that to be Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, or any combination of those and anything else, people want to interact with you and your brand...
How to Use the WordPress YouTube Embed Block
Making a YouTube video takes a lot of time. When you’re finally finished and your video is live, you probably want to share it everywhere you can, including on your website. Or, maybe you have someone else’s video that you want to post to your WordPress site. You...
How to Use the WordPress Buttons Block
The buttons on your website play a significant role in its appearance and usability. They help visitors navigate across different pages, and make it easy for them to perform important actions (such as downloading content or subscribing to your newsletter). It’s...
How to Create a Divi Overlapping Logo
One of the standard tweaks to almost any website is the site’s logo. In some shape, form, or fashion, website owners will want to style their logo so that it stands out. And one of the best ways to draw attention to your logo is to have it offset and overlapping the...
How to Use the WordPress Spacer Block
The way you organize and arrange elements on your website can have a significant impact on its overall appearance, and even its User Experience (UX). The WordPress Spacer block is a simple tool that can help you do this more effectively. True to its name, it create...
How to Use the WordPress Columns Block
Columns are a key component in most modern websites and page builders. Fortunately, the WordPress Block Editor enables you to use both columns and rows so you have full control over each page’s layout. However, although the builder adds rows automatically, you’ll need...
How to Use the WordPress Spotify Embed Block
The WordPress Spotify embed block lets you add all sorts of musical goodies to your WordPress posts and pages. You can embed albums, playlists, podcasts or tracks, and anyone will be able to listen to them when visiting your site. They’ll hear a 30-second preview...
Divi Speed Optimization: the Ultimate Guide
Divi is not just any page builder. Divi takes the design process to a whole new level with a complete web design system that allows you to design every part of your website visually. But that doesn’t mean Divi has to be slow. Far from it. Divi’s built-in speed and...
Speed Index: What it is & How to Optimize your Website for it
Speed Index (SI) is an interesting metric when considering page speed. It is absolutely an indication of your page’s performance, but it is completely different from other user-centric metrics such as First Contentful Paint and Largest Contentful Paint. SI indicates...
Time to First Byte (TTFB): What It Is & How to Optimize Your Website for It
If you want to optimize your site’s speed and performance, it’s important to know what key metrics to pay attention to. For example, Time to First Byte (TTFB) measures the amount of time it takes for a user’s browser to receive the first “byte” of data from your...
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An Egghead will help you develop ideas and projects, transform your organization, and grow your business. Contact us today to get started.