Making sure your website offers a positive User Experience (UX) is an essential part of being a website owner. One of the ways you can do this is by ensuring that visitors are able to easily find what they’re looking for. That’s where the WordPress Search block comes...
The WordPress Quote Block presents an easy way to display a quote from an external source. It displays the text with a quotation mark and includes a caption to add a citation. It’s a simple block but using it within your content can draw the reader’s attention and add...
Navigating a blog can get tricky as its content library grows. Some visitors may want to dig deep into your posts archive, but they may feel discouraged by a poorly organized website. That’s why the Archives block enables visitors to easily navigate your catalog...
Hey Divi Nation! Thank you for joining us for another episode of Divi Creator Showcase, where we interview a Divi Creator from our Marketplace–learning all about their story, products, and ongoing journey as part of the Divi Community. In this episode, we are joined...
Using shortcodes is an intrinsic part of the WordPress experience. A lot of plugins don’t add custom blocks to the Block Editor. Instead, they enable you to use shortcodes to place elements on your posts and pages (and customize them). To do so, you’ll need to use the...