The ability to embed video into your blog posts on WordPress opens a variety of possibilities for how you present your content. In the WordPress Block Editor, users have the option to add a quick and easy Vimeo embed to their blog posts. This is a fantastic option for...
There are few things worse on the internet than a bland website. Sure, some websites go for the brutalist or minimalist look on purpose (looking at you Craigslist), but even those aren’t bland. Having a solid color palette is a surefire way to make your website stand...
With the SoundCloud embed block for WordPress, you can add an album, playlist or track to your post or page. Embedding SoundCloud content in Gutenberg gives you a lot of options for how the block looks and functions. Otherwise, if you simply copy and paste the...
The WordPress Flickr embed block lets you add photos and videos that you’ve saved to Flickr to your WordPress posts and pages. When a visitor clicks the photo or video, they’ll be directed to Flickr, where they can view and/or play your media. Videos can’t actually...
Without a search field, your site’s navigation is going to suffer. You can have the most robust browsing experience on the internet, but if your users can’t search to find exactly what they’re looking for, you just might (and probably will) lose out on business. This...