Keeping up with trends in the web design space is one of the best ways to stay up-to-date as a web designer. It allows you to create modern-day websites that’ll impress your clients and help bring your skillset to the next level. In today’s tutorial, we’ll show you...
When you’re browsing the internet, you may occasionally come across an HTTP status code, such as “HTTP 304 not modified.” This typically prevents you from accessing the site you’re trying to use, which can be frustrating. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you...
WordPress is a content management system. One of the ways it manages content is by grouping it with taxonomies. You can add more taxonomies, but the default taxonomies are the WordPress Category and Tag. Used correctly, both can greatly improve the user experience and...
Setting up a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate for your website has never been easier. You can generate certificates for free, and many hosting providers will even set them up for you. However, if you don’t configure your certificate properly, you may encounter...
Hey Divi Nation! Thank you for joining us for another episode of Divi Creator Showcase, where we interview a Divi Creator from our Marketplace–learning all about their story, products, and ongoing journey as part of the Divi Community. In this episode we are joined by...