Many businesses treat their website like a “set it and forget it” project. Unfortunately, a neglected website can lead to performance issues, security vulnerabilities, and a poor user experience. Regular website maintenance is crucial to ensure your site stays up-to-date, secure, and effective. In this post, we’ll explain why website maintenance matters and how Ask the Egghead can take this responsibility off your plate.

1. Security Updates

The internet is constantly evolving, and so are the tactics used by cybercriminals. Outdated websites are prime targets for hackers. Keeping your website updated with the latest security patches is essential for protecting both your data and that of your users.

At Ask the Egghead, we provide ongoing security monitoring and updates as part of our managed hosting services. We ensure that your WordPress site is always equipped with the latest security measures, from software updates to SSL certificates.

2. Performance Optimization

A slow or buggy website can frustrate users and hurt your search engine rankings. Over time, as you add more content, images, and plugins, your website can slow down if not properly maintained. Regular performance checks help identify and resolve speed issues before they become a problem.

We continuously optimize your website’s performance, using techniques like caching, image compression, and content delivery networks (CDNs) to ensure that your site remains fast and efficient.

3. Backup & Restore

Imagine waking up to find that your website has crashed or been hacked. Without a recent backup, you could lose valuable data, content, or even your entire site. Regular backups are essential to prevent such disasters.

At Ask the Egghead, we provide automatic backups for all the websites we host. If anything goes wrong, we can quickly restore your site to its previous state, minimizing downtime and data loss.

4. Content Updates

A stale website with outdated content is not only unappealing to users but can also hurt your SEO. Regularly updating your site with fresh content, such as blog posts or new services, keeps your site relevant and helps it rank higher on search engines.

We make it easy for you to keep your content up-to-date, whether you need assistance with regular updates or prefer to handle content changes yourself via a user-friendly CMS like WordPress.

5. Broken Link Fixes

Over time, links on your site can become broken as external sites shut down or move their content. Broken links negatively impact both user experience and SEO. Regular website maintenance includes scanning for and fixing broken links.

Our team at Ask the Egghead can identify and fix broken links as part of our maintenance service, ensuring that your website remains user-friendly and error-free.

6. SEO Audits & Updates

SEO is an ongoing process. Algorithms change, competitors rise, and user behavior evolves. Regular SEO audits help ensure that your site continues to rank well on search engines. This includes optimizing metadata, updating keywords, and improving site structure.

We regularly audit your site’s SEO performance and make updates as needed to help you maintain or improve your search rankings.

7. Plugin & Theme Updates

If your website runs on WordPress, it likely uses several plugins and a custom theme to provide functionality and style. However, outdated plugins and themes can create security vulnerabilities or cause your site to malfunction. Keeping them updated is essential for both security and performance.

As part of our managed WordPress hosting, Ask the Egghead handles all plugin and theme updates, ensuring your website runs smoothly without any glitches or compatibility issues.


Website maintenance is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. From security patches and performance optimization to regular backups and content updates, maintaining your website is key to its long-term success. With Ask the Egghead’s managed hosting services, you can focus on your business while we take care of your website’s health and security.